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Page Background

Thanks to the subsidies from the Ministry

of Sport and Tourism, the complex at Kolna

Street was created, including a mountain

kayaking course, a multi-function sports

hall, a swimming pool and a sports dormitory.

Renovations of the building of the “Korona”

Sports Club at Kalwaryjska Street were also

conducted, and 14 “Orlik” pitches were con-

structed in 12 districts of Krakow. In recent

years a newly-built National Rugby 7 Centre

at the Lubocza housing estate was opened

for use, a sports hall was built using so-called

“passive technology” at the Secondary School

Complex No. 3 at the Wysokie housing es-

tate, several school pitches and sports facili-

ties of the Interschool Sports Centre in Nowa

Huta district and the “Prądniczanka” Sports

Club were modernised. The construction of

a swimming pool with a movable bottom

at the Secondary School Complex No. 1 at

the Handlowe housing estate is ongoing. As

part of the ministerial subsidy programme

of strategic investments for the development

of Polish Sports, the Sports Infrastructure

Management Board of Krakow is currently

carrying out three tasks: the construction of

the Centennial Hall of “Cracovia” Sports Club

along with a Sports Centre for the Disabled

Athletes, modernisation of the stadium and

thermal modernisation of theWKS “Wawel”

hall, as well as the construction of a sports hall

with a facilities at the Sports Championship

Secondary School Complex at Grochowska

Street in Krakow. The current and at the same

extremely original mission is the revitalisation

and adaptation to recreational and sports

goals of the historic wooden building of the

former garrison shooting range in Wola Jus-

towska, where the ongoing work is supported

by funds from the Social Committee for the

Restoration of Monuments in Krakow.

Among the infrastructure projects co-fi-

nanced fromEU Funds, it is worth mentioning

the “Tourist inland boating route on the Vistula

River in Krakow”, which brought about the

creation of infrastructure covering 8 tourist

passenger transit stops on the Vistula, located

on the section from the Monastery in Tyniec

to the Kotlarski Bridge in Krakow, as well as 10

moorings located on the Vistula Boulevards.

The current stream of projects aimed at

reducing the so-called low gas and particle

emissions in Krakow includes the projects “In-

stallation of solar panels in sports facilities”

(2009-2012), thanks to which 10 sports clubs

have been equipped with complete devices

and installations used to heat tap water and

swimming pools, and in another four centres,

solar lighting was installed, and “Renewable

energy sources in sports facilities in Krakow”

(2012-2014), thanks to which 5 municipality

sports facilities have gained collectors and

hybrid lighting. Work is also ongoing on

smaller thermo-modernisation projects with

funding from the Regional Fund for Environ-

mental Protection and Water Management.

Additionally further efforts are being made

to raise funds to projects using renewable en-

ergy sources under the Regional Operational

Programme for the Małopolska Voivodeship

for 2014-2020.

As part of the Małopolska Regional Op-

erational Programme for 2007-2013, two

projects of promotional and educational

character were completed: “Krakow is not

just monuments. Creating an image and

promoting Małopolska in the international

arena through the most interesting sports

events” and the “PPP new perspectives –

creating an international network of coopera-

tion to promote public-private partnerships

for Krakow”. As part of the first project, an

international campaign was conducted with

the use of diverse communication channels.

Its innovation lay in the use of the hereto-

fore neglected marketing and visual potential

of city sporting events in the promotion of

Krakow. The next program called “PPP new

perspectives”, in addition to the promotion

of public-private partnerships as a new form

of providing public service, also contributed

to employees of the Municipality of Krakow

gaining experience and specific knowledge in

the field of PPP. The results of the program

were also the preparation of documentation

and analysis, as well as the announcing the

tender for the selection of a private partner

for the common implementation of the pro-

ject entitled “Sports and Leisure Centre at

Eisenberga Street in Krakow”.

Public-private partnership is not the only

formof participation for the economic sector in

the financing of public tasks carried out by the

Sports Infrastructure Management Board of

Krakow. The sporting events organised by the

ZIS enjoy considerable popularity and a good

brand, which means that an increasing num-

ber of companies are deciding to use their

potential to promote and sell their own prod-

ucts and services. Significant opportunities for

cooperation between private entities and ZIS

are also opened through the commercialisa-

tion of the city sports infrastructure.

The Sports InfrastructureManagement Board of Krakow

is a budgetary unit of the

Municipality of Krakow; however, from the very beginning, external sources have

played an important role in the financing of its operations. Within the available public

funds, these are both national subsidies as well as EU funds.


of the unit’s activity