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The three-day long celebration of running

will start with the Night Run (10 kilometres)

on Friday, 13th of May. On Saturday (14th of

May) the following events will be organised:

Piotr Gładki Mini CracoviaMarathon (4,2

kilometres) and Cracovia Inline SkatingMar-

athon (full marathon distance). Both those

events were first organised during the 5th

edition of the Cracovia Marathon in 2006.

Mini CracoviaMarathon is commemorating

the winner of the 4th edition of the event,

who was the first (and only) Polish runner

to ever win the race. Two weeks later he died

in tragic car accident.

On the day before the main competition,

several shorter distance runs will be organ-

ised, aimed at families. Many attractions and

activities will await the participants and the

fans, including sporting activities for children.

On Sunday, 15th of May, disabled athletes

in wheelchairs will also set off to compete

in the 15th PZU Cracovia Marathon. Every

year, the largest group of athletes in Poland

competing in the Hand Bike, Rim Push and

Active Wheelchair categories comes to the

Krakow marathon.


people completed all editions

of the Cracovia Marathon


– age of the oldest

contestant of the Cracovia Marathon


– Cracovia

Marathon route record

PZU Cracovia Marathon

Krakow Runners’ Meeting – 13-15.05.2016

15th PZU Cracovia Marathon – 15.05.2016